日本創造学会論文誌 vol.15(2011年)
日本創造学会論文誌 vol.15(2011年)
遊びの本質と創造性に関する研究(招待論文) / 比嘉 佑典
The Studies related to the Essence of Playing and Creativity / MYuten Higa
分析をすると言うことは、なにをしさえすればよいのか。それで何ができるようになるか―過去分析、未来分析、現在分析について/分析のための新手法- /江崎通彦
What is enough result of analysis and how to get it?What can we do with its result
Analysis of past, analysis of future and analysis of present /Advanced Method for analysis- /Michihiko Esaki
―超LSI技術研究組合の事例研究―/小出 実
A Study about the Development and the Application of the Analytical Indicator on the Technological Distance between Technological Trajectories A Case Study on the Super LSI Technology Research Association/Minoru Koide
オブザーバーからインサイダーとしての認識変容を学ぶ教育の実践/竹村 哲
Practices to Learn the Recognition Change as Insider from Observer/Akira Takemura
/森田恵子 伊藤直子 川戸仁美 久野明子 澁谷貞子
The effects of the group‐work for intergenerational exchange
Based on the evaluation of the care-activity joint practice among nursing students and aging residents of the community
/Keiko MORITA ,Naoko ITOH ,Hitomi KAWATO ,Akiko KUNO and Teiko SHIBUYA
Research for the Creative Transformation Model on Knowledge Creation Process/Tatsurou kamimura
/野元 伸一郎 梅本 勝博 近藤 修司 國藤 進
Case Studies of Frontloading Methodologies in R&D Process
The Frontloading Activity using Virtual Operation Manual by Quality Assurance Department/Shinichiro Nomoto Katsuhiro Umemoto, Shuuji Kondo, Susumu Kunifuji
IT・サーバ分野のマクロ動向分析―技術システム進化パターンの視点から―/庄内 亨 重田 淳二
Macro-trend Analysis of Information Technologies and Servers ― From Technology System Evolution Patterns Perspective ― / Toru Shonai, Hitachi Central Research Laboratory and Junji Shigeta
/烏蘭其其格 國藤 進 羽山徹彩
Development and Evaluation of Creativity Test for Chemistry Education in a Secondary School Level / Wulanqiqige Susumu Kunifuji Tessai Hayama